Carpool with neighbors
The first mini car-sharing pool in Sjöstaden consisted of three families and car owners with fossil-fueled vehicles in the housing cooperative’s garage.
To explore the opportunities and challenges of several families in the same building sharing an electric car.
The three families were offered the chance to jointly test and evaluate an electric car within a shared car pool over a period of three months. The electric car was parked in the association’s garage, in a space equipped with an electric vehicle charger.
The car was connected to Hertz’s booking system, and participating families booked the car through the company’s car-pool management app. The car used in the trial could only be booked by the three families.
The evaluation showed that all three participating households had positive experiences with the car-sharing service. The booking system worked well, there were rarely any issues that left them without a car when needed, and the charging process also functioned smoothly.
All households stated that they would be interested in joining a small-scale car-sharing service if it were implemented permanently, provided the costs remained at a reasonable level.
Project period
Sep 2018 - Dec 2018
families – 1 car
Project info
Categories Circular economy, Transport
LocationHammarby Sjöstad
PartnersElectriCITY, Hertz, Renault and Sjöstadsföreningen
Contact person at ElectriCITY
Jörgen Lööf