
SCALE Stockholm

Together for a climate-neutral Stockholm.

Local collaboration
for climate neutrality

Cities play a crucial role in the climate transition, and the City of Stockholm aims to be one of the world’s leading cities in sustainability and climate action.

In the Scale Stockholm initiative, the City of Stockholm collaborates with district administrations, municipal departments, and companies, along with residents, associations, and businesses, to foster participation, collaboration, and local actions to achieve the city’s climate goals by 2030. The goal is for Stockholm to become climate-positive by 2030 and fossil-free by 2040, while also halving consumption-based emissions by 2030.


Pilot Projects in five areas

Five geographic areas in Stockholm have been selected as pilot zones for the project, chosen for their existing innovative urban development projects or environmental initiatives.

These five areas are: Järva, Skärholmen, Norra Djurgårdsstaden, the Inner City and Stockholm Green Innovation District (Årsta-Sickla).

These pilot areas vary significantly, including differences in population composition, building character, natural landscapes, and service availability.


Local Transition Arenas

In each of these five areas, the project will establish locally adapted “transition arenas” involving residents, associations, and local businesses. Participants in these arenas will develop and select proposals for joint commitments and climate actions, which will then be tested, monitored, evaluated, and revised after one year. Actions that prove effective in supporting the climate transition will be scaled up and implemented across other parts of the city after the project ends.

Preliminary focus areas include transport, energy, plastics, consumption, and local food production.

Scale Stockholm is part of the EU’s Climate Contract for Cities (Cities Mission) and the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Programme.


Project period

May 2024 - Apr 2026


Of the CO2 emissions in the EU, a significant portion comes from cities.

Project info

Categories Circular economy, Energy

Project Name"Stockholm Pilot City for Climate & Health: Building Capacity to Scale," in short, "Scale Stockholm."

PartnersThe City of Stockholm (Environmental Department) in collaboration with Sweco, Karolinska Institutet, Digidem Lab, Cykelfrämjandet, Zero Waste Stockholm, ElectriCITY, Kista Science City, and stakeholders of Royal Djurgården.

FinancingThe EU program Horizon 2020

The project's total budget600,000 euros – approximately 6,800,000 SEK.

Project ownerThe City of Stockholm, Environmental Department.

Contact persons at ElectriCITY

Jörgen Lööf

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Louise Lööf

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