
Fossil-free transportation
in Stockholm Old Town

Fewer and fossil-free transports of returnable materials result in reduced emissions.

Framework Agreement for
Fossil-Free Transportation

ElectriCITY, together with Remondis, Gamla Stan i Samverkan, Gamla Stan’s Business Association, Trafikverket, Ellevio, and Edeva, will work on establishing a framework agreement and joint procurement for fossil-free waste transportation for property owners and business associations in Gamla Stan through the project Framework Agreement for Fossil-Free Transport (RAFT).

The project is part of STOLT (Stockholm Local Transitions), a collaborative initiative involving businesses, academia, and civil society aimed at achieving the city’s goal of a fossil-free inner city by 2030. STOLT is driven by the City of Stockholm as a consortium of 20 participants, with Vinnova and the Swedish Energy Agency providing co-financing. Activities carried out by STOLT are part of Viable Cities’ initiative for climate-neutral cities by 2030.

The goal of Framework Agreement for Fossil-Free Transport (RAFT) is to initiate and launch framework agreements and joint transportation procurements for recyclable materials from property owners and businesses, with requirements for transitioning to electric transport to and from properties.

The work is expected to contribute to fewer and fossil-free transports, which means reduced emissions, as well as the dissemination of a methodology for designing framework agreements that require fossil-free transport.


The project will build on experiences from Hammarby Sjöstad by initiating or scaling up local property and business associations in Gamla Stan to manage framework agreements.

Once the framework agreements for fossil-free transport of recyclable materials are implemented, members of local property and business associations can call on these agreements for fossil-free transport, thereby lowering costs for the collection of recyclable materials.


The majority of recyclable materials from property owners and businesses in Gamla Stan should be transported using fossil-free methods, and it should be profitable for all actors, including property and business associations, who can continue managing framework agreements after the project ends.

The concept should be scalable and applicable to other districts and property and business associations.


Project period

Sep 2024 - Jun 2026


of the newly registered (2022) light trucks were electric

Source: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Project info

Category Transport

PartnersElectriCITY Innovation, Remondis, Gamla stan i samverkan, Gamla stans företagarförening, Trafikverket, Ellevio och Edeva

Project nameFramework Agreement for Fossil-Free Transportation (RAFT), a subproject within STOLT

LocationGamla Stan (The Old Town in Stockholm)

FinancingSwedish Energy Agency, Vinnova och Viable Cities

Project ownerThe City of Stockholm, The Transport Department

Project Manager ElectriCITYJörgen Lööf, CEO

Contact persons at ElectriCITY

Jörgen Lööf

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Louise Lööf

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System demonstrator
for climate-neutral cities

STOLT, Stockholm Local Transitions, is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, businesses, academia, and civil society with the aim of contributing to the city’s goal of an emissions-free inner city by 2030. The work is structured around a series of demonstrations to enable reduced car travel, electrify transport and work vehicles, and create a more attractive urban environment. A strong emphasis is also placed on developing methods for learning, scaling, digitalization, and portfolio management. The ambition is to strengthen the conditions for these tested solutions to eventually become “the new normal.”

STOLT is one of two system demonstrators aimed at creating new approaches to accelerate the transition to climate-neutral and sustainable cities, supported by Viable Cities, Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and other authorities involved in the Climate Contract 2030. The second demonstrator is CoAction in Lund.


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