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The Energy Advisor ”Spara” and the Digital Control Room

KTH researchers Davide Rolando and Hossein Shahrokni shed light on the DigiCityClimate project.


Soon, Spara, an AI-driven energy advisor and chatbot, will begin testing in several housing cooperatives in Hammarby Sjöstad. Spara’s role is to provide tailored advice to help both residents and property owners reduce energy consumption, lower electricity costs, and make sustainable energy investments.

The chatbot Spara is being developed within the DigiCityClimate project, a collaboration between KTH, the City of Stockholm, and ElectriCITY Innovation. The project is funded by the ICLEI Action Fund through a grant from Google.org, with Hammarby Sjöstad serving as the testing ground.

DigiCityClimate also includes the development of a digital control room, a groundbreaking tool designed to equip housing cooperatives and other end-users to effectively monitor and manage energy consumption in their properties.

The project was showcased, among other highlights, at the City of Stockholm’s booth at the Smart City World Expo in Barcelona in early November.