
The project promotes critical thinking and collaboration, giving students the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and skills.

Students Develop Climate-Smart Products and Services

Framtidsspanarna is a project designed for grades 4–6 (ages 9–12), offering students the opportunity to explore and investigate various future themes while engaging in problem-solving. By using their imagination and creativity, students will collaborate to come up with innovative solutions to challenges and problems they believe may arise in the future.

The project promotes critical thinking and teamwork, providing students with an opportunity to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and skills.


Project period

Apr 2018 - Dec 2030

Project info

Category Education

ÅldersgruppÅrskurs 4–6

TidsåtgångUpp till två veckor

Contact persons at ElectriCITY

Carina Näslundh

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Per Andersson

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The task for students is to develop new products or services that can have a positive impact on the environment and climate, preferably designed for use within the local municipality.

• 2–4 students per group
• Create new or improve existing products or services
• Sustainable and climate-smart products or services
• Create a sketch/prototype/model/collect materials to build with
• What materials should the invention be made of? Design, color, etc.
• What will the product/service cost? How will it be marketed?
• Prepare for a presentation

During the project period, 1–2 short lectures/presentations by an entrepreneur, business owner, or innovator who visits the students to listen and give advice. The advice can focus on their product/service and the project’s conclusion. It’s also a good idea to book a local business owner to talk about their operations, as mentioned above.


The conclusion can take the form of an exhibition where groups have their own booths, and the jury can walk around and get an overview of all the displays. Time per booth: approx. 5 minutes. Alternatively, the conclusion can be in front of a seated jury, where each group presents their contributions. Time per group: 5 minutes. Before the conclusion, try to secure prizes that local businesses are happy to contribute. Consider preparing a small prize for all participants.


Prepare a diploma for the school or group to receive jointly.

Great project and belief in the future!

Among the ideas were trash-collecting robots, plastic-collecting watercraft (that don’t catch fish), greenhouses made from recycled glass on rooftops in the city center, activity centers with housing and job opportunities for the homeless, parking garages with solar panel roofs for direct car charging, food trucks that make meals from supermarket food waste, self-driving robots distributing water, books, etc., in African countries, and much more.

As you can hear, in just three days, the students have come up with, designed, and conceptualized these and about 20 more amazing ideas!

– Kalle Enström, Principal, Södermalm School

Time required

Here is an example of a schedule from Södermalm School in Stockholm when their fifth-grade students carried out Future Explorer.

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