
On sustainable transportation, zero-emission zones, car-sharing, and an increased focus on electric vehicles.

Sustainable transport

Within the borders of Stockholm, road transportation accounts for approximately 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Although emissions are steadily decreasing, they must be further reduced if we are to achieve the city’s climate goals.

In Hammarby Sjöstad, we are working to lower emissions from the roughly 4,000 vehicles in the area, the majority of which are still fossil-fuel-powered. We are doing this by promoting electric vehicles, installing home charging stations, establishing car-sharing services, and implementing environmentally friendly transportation options in Hammarby Sjöstad. In the informal zero-emission zone that has been established, the goal is for all transport to and from Sjöstaden to be climate-neutral.

Are we there yet?

In Hammarby Sjöstad, we have made progress toward our goal of a district with fossil-free transportation. However, there is still work to be done.

ElectriCITY Innovation is focused on influencing the industry and setting the right requirements to achieve a rapid, sustainable, and scalable expansion of charging infrastructure. The next step is to take a comprehensive approach to the logistics and transportation needs of the district. By basing our approach on the needs and wishes of the residents of Hammarby Sjöstad and adapting the system accordingly, we can create better, needs-based solutions.

ElectriCITY is also involved in STOLT — Stockholm Local Transitions, a system demonstrator driven by the City of Stockholm with funding from Viable Cities/Vinnova. STOLT is a step toward an emissions-free city center and a climate-positive Stockholm by 2030.

Charge the batteries!

Hammarby Sjöstad is probably the district with the highest density of charging points for electric vehicles in Sweden. The investment in charging infrastructure has resulted in over 1,000 charging points in the area, meaning that approximately 25 percent of the parking spaces have access to charging.

With centralized control of charging stations and demand-adapted charging, it is possible to avoid an increased demand-based electricity tariff. For example, there is a garage with just over 230 parking spaces, each equipped with a charging outlet, which has not led to a higher power demand for the property.



In Hammarby Sjöstad, there have long been various experiments with carpooling and car sharing. However, it has also been evident that many people want to retain the convenience of being able to go down to their own garage, get in their car, and drive away. ElectriCITY has conducted pilot projects with carpooling in housing associations and also trials where three families shared one car.


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